Tuesday, May 28, 2019

God Wanted Donald Trump To Be United States President: White House Press Secretary

Hello Edward

Church Swamp Corruption and Celebrity

Moral integrity is necessary to overcome political and religious corruption. There has been much talk about draining the swamp, meaning political corruption in the nation’s capital. Some think the Church swamp needs draining too.

Corruption is defined by a lack of integrity, such as honesty, and the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain. Religious corruption blocks Biblical truth and leads people into spiritual darkness and sin. Scripture says of this evil group of leaders, “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in” (Matthew 23:13).

The only thing that can match political corruption is religious corruption. Religious corruption is far worse because of its eternal consequences. Those with tainted character tell people what they want to hear, blend with political correctness, avoid controversial issues, and allow immorality to go unchallenged. These compromising leaders hinder hungry seekers of Biblical truth and freedom from the bondage of sin.

The most dangerous are ministry leaders that started off right in ministry but began playing with sin and diddling with deceptive skulduggeries such as inclusion, empathy, social justice, and affirming. Fearing rejection from people more than rejection from the Holy Spirit they broke rank and blended into a polluted culture of secular humanism and religious liberalism. One such error is the sufferance of homosexuality. Today they call it open and affirming. You can see that word appearing on church websites.

Inclusive evangelists promote acceptance of a lifestyle that God calls an abomination. “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination” (Leviticus 18:22).

No matter how you cut it, the word abomination means disgusting in the eyes of the LORD. These reprobates even double down on their apostasy saying the Holy Spirit affirms the homosexual lifestyle because that’s how God made them. Not only are these compromising church leaders proponents of sin, they take pleasure in it thus confirming the words of the Apostle Paul, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them” (Romans 1:32).  

There are some closet gay church leaders completely silent on sin hiding behind a hyper-grace doctrine similar to the once saved always saved theology. Some incorrectly say homosexuality is the same as any sin. Many do not agree because homosexuality is celebrated from coast to coast. When was the last time you saw adultery celebrated, taught in public schools as an alternative lifestyle, or worn as a badge of honor? Or the last time you saw a pin with the words “Adulterer Pride.” We have never seen a nation’s president celebrate homosexuality the way President Obama did by lighting up the White House with rainbow colors representing a victory for the Sodomite agenda. It’s interesting the lighting was already in place the day the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 for same-sex marriage. Notice how the liberal courts overturned the will of the people regarding the definition of marriage between one man and one woman.  

Drain the Swamp

Some of these closet gay ministry leaders have sex with others in ministry to limit their chances of getting exposed and losing their positions. Some are even married and don’t consider sex with another man adultery because it’s sex with a man and not a woman. These same leaders don’t consider homosexuality a sin needing repentance. Perhaps only adultery, embezzlement, or murder might qualify as something requiring repentance, but certainly in their delusion, not the LGBT lifestyle. By their standards of morality, the definition of holiness would need changing, and the prophet’s ministry of separating the holy from the profane no longer needed. All of this represents inhabitants of the ministry swamp. The good news is, Christ offered a way of escape on Calvary. The blood of Christ was shed for those seeking forgiveness, not acceptance, of sin.

The bottom line is this, forgiveness of sin by Christ follows repentance. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Words are identifying the entrance to the swamp. These words are inclusiveness, equality, affirming, socialism, social justice, environmental justice, tolerance, and empathy. Avoid these warning signs to the muck and the mire. Every pastor needs to remember that God gave a rod and staff. With the staff, he leads the congregation, and with the rod beats off the wolves.  

A great division is taking place in the USA. This confirms Scripture. “Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Luke 21:10).

“So what can we expect to come,” you ask? The Church swamp will get drained as the Holy Spirit separates the goats from the sheep and everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

It’s a Biblical truth, God will not be mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. Sow to the flesh, and of the flesh, you will reap. The Catholic Church ignored the sin of homosexual pedophiles in their pulpits, and it cost them nearly $3 billion in the U.S. The cost of apostasy is far greater. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Choose life!

© Your partner,

Apostle Jonas Clark

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

President Trump prays with faith leaders at the White House

From the Rose Garden of the White House this morning, President Donald J. Trump joined faith leaders in prayer and called religious liberty the bedrock of American life. “Every citizen has the absolute right to live according to the teachings of their faith and the convictions of their heart,” the President said. “To protect this heritage my Administration has strongly defended religious liberty.”

Did I actually die did my heart stop beating? Unknown. sometime in 92 Went to the Hospital for a pre surgery exam..Understand that I was very sick much sicker than anyone realized even me. My brain membrane was being eaten away from chemical damage of neurotoxins from work place.
The brain itself feels no pain, but it tells other parts of the body it feels pain. This means at different times of the day or season it tells my right leg is broken, my right arm is on fire, my left eye has sand it, my toe is crushed or my elbow has been hit with a hammer. Or my back is broken or my spine goes into convulsions or their is a fire ax splitting my skull. On this day all of those things was happening and I had to travel from one hospital forty miles away from another for different test due to being a Medic care patient supplying only certain hospitals certain rights for certain test. It was a bad day.

During time of great pain Christ showed me a way to escape by thinking of a empty place listen to his voice and follow him away from my body and he would show me many wonderful things.
I could no longer function after the heart attack, was losing the ability to focus think and I still had another hospital to go for special blood work they told me to go home after the EKG and I asked is my heart ok for surgery was told it read ok they charged for it on medicare.
Later it was determined that I was in cardiac arrest (massive attack with damage bad enough to kill) and that is why my doctor thought I was dead when he called my house three or four weeks later. Finding out I was still alive he ordered my wife to call 911 to go to the hospital. Since it was the same one that sent me home I thought it would be foolish to give them a second chance to finish the job. He then made appointment with me with his own private heart doctor
( he was an ungodly man fearful of my suing everyone)
He paid for everything I never received any bills from him at all, I didn't sue even though I should have but I knew that lying in bed for weeks Christ taught me so much and showed me so much that it must have been his doing.
All versions of the bible are helpful remember they are words translating the thoughts of God flawed by the scribe who wrote them. The thoughts of God are "as smoke in the wind" difficult to capture leading you to the all consuming fire that is the presence of God
It was at this time he gave me a white stone and told me my name is now Enoch and not tell anyone not even my family what Isaw. 1992 I think.
My vision only came after Christ broke the back of the migraine was going to internet church site to see who needed prayer being led by Christ, found a person suffering from cancer dying who asked me to keep her in prayer (reading her request with only one eye working) promised I would put her in the frontlet of my prayer and did then prayed for everyone in group then everyone in family then everyone I knew even those who poisoned me and lied about it then knowing that my prayer of thanksgiving was a good one wanted a really big favor from God I asked to see my death. Hoping it would give me encouragement to go on living to keep looking for the signs of his return, that is when I heard and felt God smile and say, "OH I THINK I CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT !
As I was praying seeking intercession for special people God brought me to him in a wonderful way. I was wondering what my death would be like and he showed me it was beautiful I know why they call it a beatific vision. I am in no hurry but will always cherish how he done it. So natural and simple he just talked to me showing the same things he first taught me as a child just learning about him as he talked drew me closer then I was just there with him. He gently corrected me when I said I couldn't believe it he said, "You can believe it can't you?"
I realized it was a act of free will to just believe him and he opened heaven wide just for me to feel what it is to be one with him then I realized that all the power and wealth of this life is nothing compared to being with him.
It was wonderful.
I understand why some people think mother earth is God.
While being with god it seemed the earth itself was wooing.
God called with loving words as I drew closer feeling the oneness choosing each step and receiving more joy and fulfillment as I came closer to him realizing that I was surrounded by love and filled with joy knowing that this is what he created me for all along.
I wondered what could have ever persuaded me to hate or do wrong that could simply not exist here then I thought of people like Hitler or Arafat coming into God's presence with sorrow for them I realized that was a loss they would never feel then I realized not just them but all the people who focused on the things of this world will lose out on the single most important thing in the universe.Miss out for eternity simply knowing that in the end this God this presence could never be unfair in his judgment concerning me or anyone.
God would be fair and honest and trusting him completely for anything with my life, death, or anything to come. There was so much he showed me but it would take a book to describe it but all of it made perfect and very simple sense.
This is the Last chapter of that book it is also of the same book in Daniel and revelations the Hidden Book of Revelations Chapter 10. fulfilling the almost hidden sura of Islam. Christ is coming back to Earth (almost hidden Sura)
Verse 15 of Sura 20 informs us that the end of the world will be revealed by God before the end of the world 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

My Epiphany

The Bible story of the Three Wise Men, from the gospel of Matthew, is also known as the biblical Magi or the Three Kings. This Bible story regards a group of scholarly foreigners who traveled to visit Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. After Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, during the time of King Herod, Wise Men from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, 'Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.' When King Herod learned this he was troubled, and all of Jerusalem with him. He called together all the leading clerics and scholars of the law, he questioned them where the Christ was to be born. 'In Bethlehem in Judea,' they answered, 'for this is what the prophet has written: "'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'" Then Herod summoned the Wise Men secretly and found out from them the precise time the star had emerged. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, 'Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.' As directed by King Herod, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went before of them until it stopped over the area where the child laid. Upon arriving at the house, they observed the child with his mother Mary, and they kneeled down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh. They were then miraculously warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, as he planned to kill Jesus in preserving his authority, and returned to their home by an alternative route. Characteristics of the Three Wise Men Accounts have been told about the Three Wise Men and they have been given names. This is how they are often portrayed:
Gaspar (or Caspar), who wears a green cloak and a gold crown with green jewels on it. He is the King of Sheba. Gaspar represents the Frankincense brought to Jesus.
Melchior, who has long white hair and a white beard and wears a gold cloak. He is the King of Arabia. Melchior represents the Gold brought to Jesus.
Balthazar, who has a black beard and wears a purple cloak. He is the King of Tarse and Egypt. Balthazar represents the gift of Myrrh that was brought to Jesus.

epiphany noun manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12).Known as Epiphany, or the 12th Day of Christmas, it commemorates how a star led the Magi, or the three kings or wise men, to the baby Jesus.
What is a epiphany moment?
Omar Khayyam of Neyshpur a Persian, polymath, mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, physician and poet. Wrote treatises on mechanics geograph, music which he received knowledge of from God between the time of the falling candle from the desk till he grasp it which he spent a life writing and teaching about.
moment of sudden and great revelation or realization.An epiphany is an experience of a sudden and striking realization. Generally the term is used to describe scientific breakthrough, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it can apply in any situation.

What is a epiphany moment?
Today "epiphany" carries a range of meanings, including "an intuitive grasp of reality," "an illuminating discovery, realization, disclosure, or insight," or simply "a revealing scene or moment." My definition of an epiphany is "a moment of sudden or great revelation that usually changes you in some way.

My Epiphany
Did I actually die did my heart stop beating? Unknown. sometime in 92 Went to the Hospital for a pre surgery exam..Understand that I was very sick much sicker than anyone realized even me. My brain membrane was being eaten away from chemical damage of neurotoxins from work place.
The brain itself feels no pain, but it tells other parts of the body it feels pain. This means at different times of the day or season it tells my right leg is broken, my right arm is on fire, my left eye has sand it, my toe is crushed or my elbow has been hit with a hammer. Or my back is broken or my spine goes into convulsions or their is a fire ax splitting my skull. On this day all of those things was happening and I had to travel from one hospital forty miles away from another for different test due to being a Medic care patient supplying only certain hospitals certain rights for certain test. It was a bad day.

During time of great pain Christ showed me a way to escape by thinking of a empty place listen to his voice and follow him away from my body and he would show me many wonderful things.
I could no longer function after the heart attack, was losing the ability to focus think and I still had another hospital to go for special blood work they told me to go home after the EKG and I asked is my heart ok for surgery was told it read ok they charged for it on medicare.
Later it was determined that I was in cardiac arrest (massive attack with damage bad enough to kill) and that is why my doctor thought I was dead when he called my house three or four weeks later. Finding out I was still alive he ordered my wife to call 911 to go to the hospital. Since it was the same one that sent me home I thought it would be foolish to give them a second chance to finish the job. He then made appointment with me with his own private heart doctor
( he was an ungodly man fearful of my suing everyone)
He paid for everything I never received any bills from him at all, I didn't sue even though I should have but I knew that lying in bed for weeks Christ taught me so much and showed me so much that it must have been his doing.
All versions of the bible are helpful remember they are words translating the thoughts of God flawed by the scribe who wrote them. The thoughts of God are "as smoke in the wind" difficult to capture leading you to the all consuming fire that is the presence of God
It was at this time he gave me a white stone and told me my name is now Enoch and not tell anyone not even my family what Isaw. 1992 I think.
My vision only came after Christ broke the back of the migraine was going to internet church site to see who needed prayer being led by Christ, found a person suffering from cancer dying who asked me to keep her in prayer (reading her request with only one eye working) promised I would put her in the frontlet of my prayer and did then prayed for everyone in group then everyone in family then everyone I knew even those who poisoned me and lied about it then knowing that my prayer of thanksgiving was a good one wanted a really big favor from God I asked to see my death. Hoping it would give me encouragement to go on living to keep looking for the signs of his return, that is when I heard and felt God smile and say, "OH I THINK I CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT !
As I was praying seeking intercession for special people God brought me to him in a wonderful way. I was wondering what my death would be like and he showed me it was beautiful I know why they call it a beatific vision. I am in no hurry but will always cherish how he done it. So natural and simple he just talked to me showing the same things he first taught me as a child just learning about him as he talked drew me closer then I was just there with him. He gently corrected me when I said I couldn't believe it he said, "You can believe it can't you?"
I realized it was a act of free will to just believe him and he opened heaven wide just for me to feel what it is to be one with him then I realized that all the power and wealth of this life is nothing compared to being with him.
It was wonderful.
I understand why some people think mother earth is God.
While being with god it seemed the earth itself was wooing.
God called with loving words as I drew closer feeling the oneness choosing each step and receiving more joy and fulfillment as I came closer to him realizing that I was surrounded by love and filled with joy knowing that this is what he created me for all along.
I wondered what could have ever persuaded me to hate or do wrong that could simply not exist here then I thought of people like Hitler or Arafat coming into God's presence with sorrow for them I realized that was a loss they would never feel then I realized not just them but all the people who focused on the things of this world will lose out on the single most important thing in the universe.Miss out for eternity simply knowing that in the end this God this presence could never be unfair in his judgment concerning me or anyone.
God would be fair and honest and trusting him completely for anything with my life, death, or anything to come. There was so much he showed me but it would take a book to describe it but all of it made perfect and very simple sense.
This is the Last chapter of that book it is also of the same book in Daniel and revelations the Hidden Book of Revelations Chapter 10. fulfilling the almost hidden sura of Islam. Christ is coming back to Earth (almost hidden Sura)
Verse 15 of Sura 20 informs us that the end of the world will be revealed by God before the end of the world